Keith Gordon
CBT, psychotherapy and hypnotherapy
My Book Shelf
Some of the Books in my library
Ethics in Psychotherapy and Councelling - Pope Vaquez
Mind-Body Therapy - Rossi Cheek
Understanding Emotions - Oatley & Jenkins
Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis - William S. Kroger M.D.
Psychotherapy with Couples - Ruszcynski
Scripts and Strategies in Hypnotherapy - Roger P. Allen
Mum can you lend me twenty quid (what drugs did to my family) - Elizabeth Burton- Phillips
The Sexual Healing Journey - Wendy maltz
​Skills in Gestalt Councelling and Psychotherapy - Joyce & Stills
The Presenting Past (the core of psychodynamic councelling and therapy) - Michael Jacobs
The Way of Council - Zimmerman & Coyle
Many Lives, Many Masters - Dr Brian Weiss
Hypnosis Suggestions and Metaphors - Hammond PhD
Hartland's Medical & Dental Hypnosis - David Waxman
​Inside Lives (psychoanalysis and the growth of the personality) - Margot Waddell, Tavistock Clinic Series
Pornland (how porn has hijacked our sexuality) - Gail Dynes
Intergrative Councelling Skills in Action - Sue Culley
I want a Divorce - Simone E Katzenberg
Cognitive Hypnotherapy (an integrated approach to the treatment of emotional disorders) - Assen Alladin
Fat is a Feminist Issue - Susie Orbach
​Facing Love Addiction (giving yourself the power to change the way you love) - Pia Mellody
Introducing Freud - Appignanesi & Zarate
Therapy Nudity & Joy (the therapeutic use of nudity through the ages) - Aileen Goodson PhD
​Treatment Plans and Interventions for Depression and Anxiety Disorders - Robert L Leahy, Stephen J.F. Holland, Lata K. McGinn
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and Eating Disorders - Christopher G. Fairburn
Oxford Guide to Behavioural Experiments in Cognitive Therapy
An Introduction to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - David Westbrook, Helen Kennerley, Joan Kirk
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Foundations for Practice - Frank Wills with David Sanders
Assessment and Case Formulation in Cognitive Behavior Therapy - Sarah Corrie, Micheal Townsend, Adrian Cockx
Dryden's Handbook of Individual Therapy - Windy Dryden
The Hungry Self (Women, Eating and Identity) - Kim Chernin
Past Life Regression - Mary Lee LaBay
Brief Psychological Interventions in Practice - Ann Williamson
Still - In the Storm (How to manage your stress and achieve balance in life) - Dr Ann Williamson
The Wisdom of Insecurity - Alan W. Watts
Private Thoughts - Wendy Maltz & Suzie Boss
Why Marriages Succees or Fail - John Gottman PhD
The Marriage Book (how to build a lasting relationship) - Nicky & Sila Lee
Sigmund Freud on Sexuaity
The Skilled Helper - Gerard Egan
Instant Confidence - Paul McKenna
Chinese Medicine (The web that has no weaver) - Kaptchuk
​Men and Sex - Bernard Zilbergeld
Overcoming Impotence - J. Stephen Jones M.D.
Psychotherapy Handbook (Hypnotherapy) - Heap and Dryden
Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy - Windy Dryden
Feeding the Body, Nourishing the Soul - Dean Ornish M.D.
Creative Choice in Hypnosis - Milton Erickson
Waist Disposal (the ultimate fat loss manual for men) - Dr John Biffa
​Healing in Hypnosis - Milton Erickson (Rossi, Ryan, Sharp)
The 3 Minute Meditator - Harp & feldman
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) - Francine Shapiro
A History of Psychiatry - Edward Shorter