Keith Gordon
CBT, psychotherapy and hypnotherapy
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Cognitive Behaviioural Therapy (CBT), has become the most commonly referred style of therapy within the UK, primarilly due to the research that has been carried out in order to determine its effectiveness.
CBT provides a model within which the therapist and the client work as equals in order to determine the essential elements of the problems facing the client, and together work out strategies to increase the clients resilence moving forwards.
Typical sessions start by setting an agenda with agreed goals, then working through the models of behaviour and thoughts that are sustaining the client difficulties, and ending with mutually agreed homework to be completed prior to the next session
It's important to note that CBT offers a client a supporting structure, yet is a flexible enough therapy style to also incorporate treatment protocols such as mindfullness and hypnotherapy if the therapist and client agree on the efficacy of these approaches.
About Keith
As you will have seen from my home page, I am qualified to work as a CBT therapist and a hypno-psychotherapist registered.
BABCP registration no - 160567
UKCP registration no - 2011162754